High Altitude Launch


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 ThinSats are designed to be a cost effective means of getting research into space, making them a perfect option for sensor testing, ground station calibration, or any variety of educational or commercial missions. The ThinSats contain all of the vital flight components of a FastBus CubeSat (EPS, EyeStar™ radio, battery, flight processor, etc.), in addition to room for your own custom payload, all in the scalable body of the ThinSat. 


ThinSat Higlights

Launched from rocket just before the space station
Grumman Antares second stage
Deployment at 125-155 mi
Data transmission in real-time through Global Star
User friendly interface on Space Data Dashboard 
High Altitude Balloon Test Flights
NSL has 100% mission success with these missions. 



Our Partners

We work with a number of partners including Twiggs Space Labs, X IN A BOX, and Parallax to seamlessly integrate your own custom sensors and payloads into our system. For more information on custom payloads and integration of these boards check out our lab based learning page. 


Contact us

If you have any other questions regarding our ThinSats and how they can impact your school or STEM program or anything else feel free to reach out to us by clicking the button below. 

Contact Us Button


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